Season 1; Episode 5

The devil went down to Arkansas as we took Lil Red over state lines on her longest journey yet. Our destination was Devil’s Den State Park. Our plan was to join our son, Big T, and our future daughter in law, DIL, and show off our camper. Our dream was lots of hiking and fun. Our reality was one big sweat box. Needless to say, Lil Red’s AC was put to the test.

Due to the distance, we were also launching our first three night stay. The drive was a bit ominous as we passed a camper on fire on the side of 1-44. Then, we totally screwed the pooch on our stops because of bad food choices and failure to fuel efficiently. Pulling a camper into a fast food restaurant or jetting into a gas station turned out to be a gigantic cuss fest. We had no longer made peace and found our footing when we had the pleasure of driving through Fayetteville, AR traffic, in hard rain, between narrow lanes that were under high way construction. It seems as though Beelzebub was more than happy to welcome us to his lair.

The mayhem continued at the State Park registration lodge when we misread the sign for the pull through and had a devil of a time backing up. There was no rest for the weary driver when we had a very difficult task of backing the camper into our spot, in front of an audience. We’ve come to dread the audience.

If that wasn’t enough, Millie was fit to be tied over the construction site- just 300 feet away. Who doesn’t love loud, repetitive noises when you’re down to your last nerve and seeking respite in nature. It was of no condolence to learn that this path through the campground was was the last unpaved State Hwy left in the state of Arkansas and it was time to be paved. The welcome basket of nasty goodies continued when we had to run the hose under the camper to fill the water and then the electric box was on the wrong side of the slab. Our power cord was stretched to the max but by golly we were going to power that AC!

Come to find out that there are plenty of neat Water, Electric, Sewer sites nearby, but those are only reservable by phone. Arkansas is the last state in the union to upgrade to online reservations. I guess it was more important to chronicle the Dugger family history than to improve the enjoyment of nature. We had not figured out the reservation system and we were stuck with the worst site in the park. Another difference in Missouri and Arkansas state parks seemed to be no camp hosts- just armed Parked Rangers with no personality. Maybe they just don’t like folks who arrive late, can’t read signs and can’t back a camper.

We were too exhausted and emotionally spent to enjoy much, so after a late dinner, we didn’t even clean the dishes. Frustrated with poor awning set up, we just cut our losses and hit the sack to the hum of the AC. 

Upon further review the park is actually quite nice with a beautiful stream, a fun pool and lots of good trails. We love Arkansas. It’s frankly gorgeous.

Friday was a planned city day so we headed to meet Big T and Mr. Perry, the Fayetteville jeweler, so we could see the sparklee T had picked out for the future DIL. It was gorgeous and he had done an excellent job saving for it. It was fun to see the joy in his face.

We reconvened back at “Camp Contruction” so Big T and DIL could put up their tent in the heat. We loaned them an extension cord and a fan to help move air. Meanwhile the frontier man in Big T had him setting up a mosquito net over his hammock for outdoor sleeping. It’s quite a sight and I’m sure mosquito world was disappointed when they were barred from an appetizing feast.

Saturday was one long day to figure out how to avoid or ignore the heat. After breakfast, we walked the local trails, looked at other campers and fished a little. DIL has been coming here with her family for years and she filled us in on stories and memories. He’s marrying a peach of a lady.

Back at camp over lunch we decided that we came to hike, so screw the heat, we are going to hike. We did Big T and DIL’s favorite trail which darted through woods and along and across a beautiful shoal creek which provided some cool relief. We enjoyed each other and DIL was beginning to loosen up and discuss the openness to being married. (Good thing based on the diamond secret!)

It was so hot after the hike that Millie and I went to the pool which is set in beautiful stone work under some trees. But don’t be fooled. This is a public pool. In an Arkansas State Park. On a summer weekend. Think of the Caddy Shack pool scene and you are close.

Back at camp, we did a simple dinner and invited T and DIL into Lil Red for some AC relief and cards. It was a tight fit with Mille and DIL squeezed into one side of Table 3 and Big T on the other with P Rob on the end in a camp chair. We feared this amount of closeness and discomfort might drive DIL away but she was a trooper and we loved her even more. 

To no one’s surprise, Big T and future DIL packed up early the next morning and headed back to Fayetteville, air conditioning and civilization. Millie and I broke camp and navigated the one way gravel road to the dump station without incident. 

We could not leave Devil’s Den without hiking the crown jewel of trails to the overlook. This took longer than anticipated and we almost stopped short of our goal but our perseverance was rewarded with lovely views of the Arkansas hills and dales.

Thankfully, the 300 mile trip home was uneventful but we arrived home weary and hot and sadly parked Lil red out back for the rest of the summer season.

Camping in the heat is. Not. For Us. 

Postscript: Arkansas NOW has online camping reservations. Woo Pig!