Season 1; Episode 8

We bookended the month with a trip to celebrate Millie reaching the end of a decade. Her birthday weekend exemplifies the complexity of Millie. On one hand she needed some stylish new Katie Spade sunglasses. On the other hand, she needed to be in the wild. I was more than happy to bestow both gifts on my best friend.

Trip eight to Hawn State Park near Farmington, MO was filled with firsts. It was our longest in state journey, yet, at 180 miles. It was also our first non weekend trip as we left on a Sunday afternoon and returned on Tuesday. The non traditional schedule did make for a less crowded campground.

The drive was uneventful and we backed Lil Red without coming unhinged with each other. This was a pleasant occurrence. 

It was unusually hot, so after a cursory walk around the campground, we cranked up the AC and stayed inside to catch up on this journal. Even the evening fire was truncated as we were beat from a long and busy Saturday getting ready for departure.

Millie requested crockpot spicy chicken “taco” soup for her birthday dinner. It was a low key but happy affair under a blanket of twinkling stars. The night was capped off over rum and rummy. I was not so nice to the birthday girl with a solid victory. 

We awoke to a light, melodic rain around 5 am that was delightful to sleep to for me, although Millie was up wither cowboy coffee and quiet musings. The positive of the light rain was it broke the heat and the rest of our time was enjoyed amid crisp fall weather.

Eventually, we got in gear, packed a backpack and headed out for a big hike. The northern loop of the Whispering Pines trail allowed us to set another record. We went 6.35 miles in 3.5 hours over all manner of terrain and elevation. Hailed as one of the favorite trails in the state by hikers, we were not disappointed. The first third wound along and across Pickle Creek, a delightful winding stream with clear water and both sandy and smooth stone bottoms. I thought often about our daughter in law, “DIL” as we hiked. Pickle and DIL just seem to go together. Lunch was enjoyed on a rock jetting out over a quiet part of the creek.

While we didn’t see any wildlife or people, we did have cell reception compared to no service at the camp below. During one flat section through a glade. I was able to clear my email and sadly discover that Arnold Palmer had died.

Perhaps the highlight of the trip came when the weary hikers returned to camp. Millie declared Happy Hour would be “mid-stream” in Pickle Creek. We moved our camp chairs into the restorative waters and chilled over Miller Lite, Chips and Salsa. It was so pretty and a perfect way to celebrate our hiking achievement.

I spent the next few hours fording down the middle of Pickle Creek and then hanging up the hill (have hammock, will travel and hang for wifi) by the ranger station trying to download some TV to watch. I returned to another wonderful Millie made campfire and a delicious dinner of pulled pork and salads. It was another first to leave the grill behind and be crockpot campers. 

After clean up and sweet fireside time, we adjourned to bed to watch Ken Burn’s documentary on National Parks. The first episode about “Scripture and Nature” focused on John Muir and the beginning of Yosemite and Yellowstone. The scenery was awesome and made for a good lullaby as Millie was out in 20 minutes. 

We awoke to a cool morning, made a fire and did our normal chores before taking another quick hike to Pickle Creek. While we hated to leave this lovely little spot in the woods, we packed up Lil Red, and pointed the Jeep towards home. Out of curiosity and convenience, we stopped at nearby St. Francois Park and hiked 3.5 miles on the Swimming Deer train along the Big River. It was a nice hike but our legs were weary and Millie had a sore toe. We left just in time to get ahead of Saint Louis rush our traffic and wind our way back to home just before sunset. 

In another first, we parked Lil Red behind the house in record time and ease but we also discovered another tragic first. We had some damage during transport. The window blinds by the door and behind Paul’s side at table 3 were destroyed by the breeze through a left open window. Something had also skid across the floor and knocked off the cover to the heater. 

It was a sad discovery and we wanted to weep for Lil Red the way a parent hurts when their child skins a knee. It wasn’t horrible but sad, nonetheless.

After 9 trips, it’s time to make a few repairs, restock some keep supplies and regroup for at. least two more fall adventures.