Cloud 9

Season 1; Episode 9

Is this cloud 9 or trip 9? Either way it was divine. The fall weather could not have been any nicer as we rambled down the road for our second adventure at “Potato Lake” Pomme de Terre.  This quiet oasis with our own little lake side perch is quickly becoming a favorite destination for Lil Red. 

We put Pomme de Terre through the paces. We figured out how to access the boat ramp area across the lake from our site and we were able to take a brief “blaze our own trail” hike around the point before settling down on the dock to take in the beautiful sunset.

Back at camp, burgers and fire made for a peaceful setting that was called off by a startling visit from a little red fox. I first saw him as I peed of the bayside of the site and then Millie saw him face to face when he wandered right into camp. She jumped in fright under the misleading thought that this fox was going to viciously attack her. Silly Millie. 

Our firewood came from the marina store where we grew enamoured with the couple from Hawaii who run it. They alternate time in Missouri and Hawaii. As we asked questions about their “story,” we discovered that they plan to winter in Europe and enjoy a Mediterranean Cruise before returning to Hawaii. What a life! And to think little old Potato Lake is part of it for six months every year. Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Hawaii for firewood, a place to fish, and buy ice cream. 

In planning this particular weekend trip, we were concerned how we might watch our football games in the woods. In order to soak it all in, it looked like we might have to seek out a local dive bar in the bowling alley – but better things were in store. Our Direct TV app worked to perfection. We watched ESPN GameDay outside as we fixed and enjoyed our traditional breakfast. The temperature was fantastic and the hammock was hung in a way that P Rob could see the RV. With a full belly, the sun on my face, and Auburn whipping Miss St on TV, I took the best hammock nap ever and I awoke in the happiest mood.

Meanwhile, Millie had started the chili in the  slow cooker so we drove off to explore the more crowded Hermitage side of the lake, filled with families and kiddos. We did discover Cedar Bluff trail, which afforded us a solid 2 mile hike with wonderful lake views. 

As game time approached, I checked out my CBS sports app and discovered we could watch the the Tennessee game live on our phone. Prince Charming had saved the day for his Big Orange Princess! We headed back to camp and piddled around while we agonized over UT’s fate. As the situation grew bleak, I took off to fish at twilight. I was flabbergasted upon my return to see the Vols had rallied to force overtime. Alas, we lost in the end but the mingling of the outdoors and our love for college football made the day memorable. 

Over chili and a fire that night I read Millie a long New York magazine article about “When I use to be a human” focusing on social media distraction and the lost art of silence, reflection and solicitude.  This is one reason I love Lil Red so much is that is slows us down. We aren’t spending money and time trying to entertain ourselves (except for football-okay, yes football). We get to slow the clock and sit under the stars and beside the embers and just be together. Perhaps we talk. Perhaps we don’t -It’s a wonderful respite and reminder of our Great Creator. 

After a lazy Sunday morning, we packed up and headed for home with the intent at stopping for a hike in the Lead Mine Conservation Area. This plan got a little dicey when directions lead us down a narrow dirt road with Lil Red in tow. Millie just knew we would get stuck. We did indeed have a little trouble backing up when I overshot the trail parking lot. Somehow, we rebounded and enjoyed a 3 mile hike that crossed over a creek several times. After a few efforts at balancing on rocks to cross in a dry fashion, Millie just decided to just plop her trail hiker shoes and feet in the creek and “walk squishy.” Pushing daylight, we returned home and almost ended a wonderful trip on a sour note when P Rob nearly wiped out the brand new extended landscaping bed in the front yard. *Note to self: Make a really wide turn when driving through the front yard and around the house to the back. *Note to self: Create a blog entry about how we drive Lil Red through the front yard to park her in the back! Thankfully, we put the few upturned stones back in place and got Lil Red parked with ease. Now we just had to act like responsible adults for 4.5 days until we could leave again for trip #10.

1 Comment

  1. Gail Garland

    I’ve just binged all 9 blog entries and honestly feel like I tagged along on each trip!! If you would have told me 30 years ago that my highschool/college BFF “Millie” would end up being a nurse AND a camping rockstar, I would have laughed at you. But now I find myself living vicariously through her and her Lil Red adventures! Just the vision of Millie and PRob working their mad skills at the dump station has literally made my day!!! Can’t wait for the next entry!!!

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