Author: P - Rob

Cloud 9

Season 1; Episode 9

Is this cloud 9 or trip 9? Either way it was divine. The fall weather could not have been any nicer as we rambled down the road for our second adventure at “Potato Lake” Pomme de Terre.  This quiet oasis with our own little lake side perch is quickly becoming a favorite destination for Lil Red. 

We put Pomme de Terre through the paces. We figured out how to access the boat ramp area across the lake from our site and we were able to take a brief “blaze our own trail” hike around the point before settling down on the dock to take in the beautiful sunset.

Back at camp, burgers and fire made for a peaceful setting that was called off by a startling visit from a little red fox. I first saw him as I peed of the bayside of the site and then Millie saw him face to face when he wandered right into camp. She jumped in fright under the misleading thought that this fox was going to viciously attack her. Silly Millie. 

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Hawn State Park – HBD!

Season 1; Episode 8

We bookended the month with a trip to celebrate Millie reaching the end of a decade. Her birthday weekend exemplifies the complexity of Millie. On one hand she needed some stylish new Katie Spade sunglasses. On the other hand, she needed to be in the wild. I was more than happy to bestow both gifts on my best friend.

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The Devil Went Down to Arkansas

Season 1; Episode 5

The devil went down to Arkansas as we took Lil Red over state lines on her longest journey yet. Our destination was Devil’s Den State Park. Our plan was to join our son, Big T, and our future daughter in law, DIL, and show off our camper. Our dream was lots of hiking and fun. Our reality was one big sweat box. Needless to say, Lil Red’s AC was put to the test.

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He better have a skinny wife . . .

Season 1; Episode 4

Trip number four was to familiar territory at Bennett Springs State Park and while the weather was gorgeous, the experience was not familiar as we encountered many firsts. Bennett Springs is a large campground with sites very close to one another in order to accommodate the popularity of the campground with trout fisherman. 

We discovered, arriving mid day on a Saturday, compared to early Friday meant we would have an audience watch our feeble efforts to back and park Lil Red. This was our first unpaved, un-level, short pad with no easy access. Naturally, our audience was four drunk women who were amused by our backing efforts, with a look that suggested “I bet you’ve never been to a quilting bee either.” The ring leader was a bossy brunette who told P Rob many times that her husband was a trucker and could do this in his sleep- did we want her to get him? We persevered through their disdainful glances and got Lil Red into position. We should have known catcalls were in order when prior to parking the camper we stopped at the fill station to fill the tank with water. This time the audience was the older set with bigger toys – big 25 ft plus rigs we refer to as “living rooms on wheels.” One saw tiny Lil Red and me work the hose and surmised quite loudly “Look at the little camper. He must have a skinny wife.”

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Season 1; Episode 3

Our trip to Arrow Rock Historic Site at the end of April was brought to you by the letter K. As in Kids, Kasey and Kaboom. We had purchased concert tickets to see Kasey Musgraves before we ever bought Lil Red. P Rob was intent on trying to combine the camping and the concert, so he booked site 18 at Arrow Rock State Park. After working the morning on Friday, we made our escape rather easily by 1:30 and made the short drive up 179 & 87 to Hwy 41 and our final destination. We were thrilled to have a pull through site and arrive before the other campers. We quickly set up camp, purchased some firewood and headed out for a hike through the woods. We saw some large deer and ended up in the quaint but empty town of Arrow Rock. Evidently, it doesn’t come alive until theater season at the Lyceum opens in June.

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Vividacious Dog Dogs

Season 1; Episode 2

What a difference a month makes! 

After thawing out from the maiden voyage, doing a little internet research and shopping, we were ready to take our first solo trip. We were about to park at an amazing intersection: The one where perfect spring weather meets dogwood season in full bloom. It was, in the words of our fellow dogwood lover, Leenie, a “vividacious” weekend. 

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The Adventure Begins

Season 1; Episode 1

On Saturday, March 19, 2016, we pulled the trigger on an oft-discussed dream. How could we spend more time outdoors without the physical struggle of tent camping? Leah didn’t want a living room on wheels. Ten minutes at REI, trialing backpacks told us overnight trail hiking was unlikely. Even with the best pack and the best fit, we both walked around the store with blazing back aches. Additionally, Paul had proclaimed after a recent tent camping adventure that he was never sleeping on the ground again. Leah proclaimed she wasn’t finished camping. Thus we needed a camper that would offer shelter and a few amenities without requiring a new truck to pull it or a second mortgage to pay for it. Enter Lil Red. A 17 foot travel camper by Riverside Retro RV. I first laid eyes on her at the St. Louis RV show in January. In February, I took Leah to see her on the lot at Bourbon RV in Bourbon, Missouri. Now it’s March and we are proud to adopt Lil Red into our family.

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