Category: Uncategorized

Cloud 9

Season 1; Episode 9

Is this cloud 9 or trip 9? Either way it was divine. The fall weather could not have been any nicer as we rambled down the road for our second adventure at “Potato Lake” Pomme de Terre.  This quiet oasis with our own little lake side perch is quickly becoming a favorite destination for Lil Red. 

We put Pomme de Terre through the paces. We figured out how to access the boat ramp area across the lake from our site and we were able to take a brief “blaze our own trail” hike around the point before settling down on the dock to take in the beautiful sunset.

Back at camp, burgers and fire made for a peaceful setting that was called off by a startling visit from a little red fox. I first saw him as I peed of the bayside of the site and then Millie saw him face to face when he wandered right into camp. She jumped in fright under the misleading thought that this fox was going to viciously attack her. Silly Millie. 

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Hawn State Park – HBD!

Season 1; Episode 8

We bookended the month with a trip to celebrate Millie reaching the end of a decade. Her birthday weekend exemplifies the complexity of Millie. On one hand she needed some stylish new Katie Spade sunglasses. On the other hand, she needed to be in the wild. I was more than happy to bestow both gifts on my best friend.

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Hidden Treasure

Season 1; Episode 7

Trip number 7 was made in heaven. All the state parks were booked for Labor Day but P-Rob remembered visiting Hidden Valley Outfitters during our Bennett Springs trip. He did some last minute dialing and everything fell into place. Here to tell you about is our guest blogger, Millie. 

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The Devil Went Down to Arkansas

Season 1; Episode 5

The devil went down to Arkansas as we took Lil Red over state lines on her longest journey yet. Our destination was Devil’s Den State Park. Our plan was to join our son, Big T, and our future daughter in law, DIL, and show off our camper. Our dream was lots of hiking and fun. Our reality was one big sweat box. Needless to say, Lil Red’s AC was put to the test.

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